Thursday, 25 September 2008


It has been interesting to see some recent news chatter in the gaming blogs about demos and incentives. Some of the more recent examples:

  • Battlefield Bad Company's "Find all Five" program which included one goal of ranking up to level 4 in the demo in order to get a gun unlocked in retail game.
  • Mirror's Edge has a pre-order promotion for the retail game that grants people access to the Time Trial mode in the demo, which comes out a little before the full game.
  • If you bought an episode of Qore, Sony's PlayStation video magazine on the PSN Store, you got early access to a demo for Motorstorm: Pacific Rift. Strangely, in the EU early access was instead handed out via random givaway to PSN members.

I just posted the previous four reviews today, very late. I wrote them all today but back dated them to roughly when I played the demo. There isn't as much detail as I would normally write since I'm basing them on memories from a few weeks ago, unfortunately. I haven't been playing many other demos recently so I am pretty much up to date now. I hope to write up other reviews more promptly in future, but I have a feeling posts will be coming in much less frequently due to time constraints. I have been trying out other services such as Xfire and Raptr to compare them but that has taken the place of playing traditional game demos and I don't think those warrant a post here. I just wanted to mention that I am still out there looking for new gaming experiences, (new to me at least,) to try but I'm not always getting that recorded here.

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